‘Journey to the Soul’ Category

Know What You Need to Know Now

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

Journal Entry:  7/15/13

“When you feel stressed and wondering what to do, remember:  When you are connected with me, you will know what you need to know when you need to know it.   With this knowing, comes peace.  With this peace comes focus.  With focus comes clarity.  With clarity comes the answers you need to know right now.  So, remember to come to me first.”

Love, God.

Talk to God

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Today I had a long conversation with God in my Journal and asking how I can honor the gift I have been given.  I have been writing with God in my notebooks, and have written over a hundred conversations on canvas, but cost and space has limited my writing on canvas.  So today I was drawn to my White Board and this is the message that came through…


Good morning God.  It seems strange to write on a white board, but it’s cheaper than canvas.

Hello Love, This is great.  There is energy that flows more powerfully as you write with me in this way.  I know you are still afraid to share this writing, so you feel hesitant to let this flow.  But it is the path to your healing your fear of what others think about you.  The truth is:  you talk to God (me), I talk to you, and everyone can do this.  It’s not what I say that’s important.  It’s that I talk to you and everyone who listens (or not).


Yes, share this.  Love, God. 

What is the Message?

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

As much as I have been learning from these teachings coming through me, I continue to get answers that call me to shift my perspective.  Here is one from the Canvas Journals with God.


God, what is the message that I am to bring to the world now?

Hello my love.  You are the message.  Your life is the messenger.  You might think this is backwards, but the truth is who you are being speaks louder than what you are saying.  This is why I keep inviting you to Step 1.  Connect to Source.  This is the only thing that matters.  It is the only thing that will change the world.  Now you will see who you truly are.

Love, God.

This message points to Step 1 in the 4 Steps to Divine Mastery.  God has been asking me to remember to take this Step before I do anything else and the more I remember, the miraculous life is.

Get a Complimentary Consult with me to learn more or read about my next coaching program here.

Where is Your Focus: Inside or Outside?

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Where is Your Focus:  Inside or Outside?
By Diane Dandeneau
December 11, 2011

I find it interesting that I am seeing similar patterns in the people I am currently associating with in my work and life.  Most of the people I am close to are working with or have some sense of spirituality in their life.  Many people are aware of the Law of Attraction and the benefit of meditation.  Many people understand the mind/body/spirit connection.  But what I am seeing is continuing patterns of using spirituality as the means to get what is wanted on the physical plain – thus using the inside to keep the focus on the outside.

I can see the cycles in my life being mirrored in others.  As things in my life would not be going so well, I would go within, connect to source, find the clarity, power and vision, then focus on the outer physical world and create great things.  I would be happy and feel good.  I would then get too busy to continue to connect, so over time, the visions get stale and things stop working so well.  Each time I would do this, the pain and disillusionment of the fall would be greater and the external conditions would get worse.  My faith in spirituality would dim as I felt it had failed me.

But, the disillusionment is the gift of awakening, and the continued focus on the external being the barometer for my happiness was the failure.  There was a time that I finally got the fact that the internal connection and my relationship with the divine was the point of everything.  And once this was the focus, the external became a reflection of that.  Even when things did not appear to me to be going well, I knew that I had to trust and focus on my part in everything.  I am now able to stay in a place of peace with what is, as I listen and do what I am called to do.  And ultimately, the divine unfolding of what is for the greatest good is revealed.

Journey to the Soul Channeled Journaling Workshops

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Give yourself the gift of  deep peace, personal clarity, inspiration and love~

Journey to the Soul

Concert and Channeled Journaling Experience
With Diane Dandeneau

Hosted by the River Sanctuary, 426 5th Ave  Lyons CO 80540
(SE Corner of Park Dr. and Hwy 7)

June 1st, 2011 7:00 PM

Through music, guided meditation and channeling instruction, experience a connection with your soul like you may have never experienced before.  Be inspired to open your heart to the truth that you are.  Learn to channel onto paper the words that live deep in your soul and receive the guidance and wisdom contained there.  Open the door to experiencing the greatest power, peace and love that lives within you.

The evening will begin with a 30-minute inspirational concert.  We will take a small break and then move into a guided meditation.  We will then open the possibility of a message from the Messengers of Peace to be channeled through Diane.  She will then provide instruction on one technique for opening up to channeling from Source and then give time for you to practice the process.  We will end with discussion allowing people to share their experience.  The entire session is 2 – 2.5 hours.

Fee: Love offering.

“I had a truly remarkable experience working with Diane…  I left feeling grounded, peaceful and focused with a joy and confidence I hadn’t experienced in many years.”
Erin, 31 years old

Space is Limited: RSVP with Diane at:  303-823-0394  Kolea at:  303-746-6126  or Email me at: [email protected]

Please contact me if you would like to host your own workshop for your friends.

Canvas 3, You are ME!

Monday, December 13th, 2010

This canvas speaks for itself…

9/7/2003  Lyons, CO

So God, I have let go of who I used to be.  I’m letting go of fear and searching for the Truth of who I am.  But God, who is that person?

DIANE, YOU ARE ME! … (more…)

Canvas 2, One who remembers

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

I just moved to Colorado after ending an important relationship and leaving a well paying job.  My good friend Debbie Burgess took me riding on her beautiful palomino, Lakota.

8-29-03 Lyons, CO

Riding a wild mustang in the high mountains.  Continuing to center into myself.  Finding my home.  Elation, peace and grief.  Letting go of who I used to be.  There is less room for her every day.  For I am now becoming the “One Who Remembers”.  I am feeling sadness and love.

Journey to the Soul – My Journals with God – The Canvas Journals

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Today I begin to publish “Journey to the Soul, My Journals with God”, The Canvas Journals.  For years I had written my prayers in my journals to a far-away God, looking for hope and something to fill my empty soul.  In 2002, during a time of utter despair and complete surrender, I started hearing answers.  And the one writing to me became my teacher, my friend and ultimately helped me understand that she is me and that I am God.   I realized that I would share this conversation and when I asked how, I was told to paint it on 4 foot by 4 foot canvases.  So with fear and trepidation, I bought several canvases, painted them yellow and received this message:

The Canvas Journals

Monday, November 1st, 2010

The Canvas Journals

I did not set out to be a messenger of God, I set out to save my own soul. (more…)

Journal with God 8-08-2010

Monday, August 9th, 2010

Good Afternoon God.  Thanks for taking care of Goldie!  I’m so happy to see her fly.
What can I share with everyone today?


Naked in Lyons

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

Last year there was a bit of controversy in the sleepy town of Lyons, CO (AKA a cross between Mayberry and Northern Exposure).  Somehow Aunt Bea got all upset about a small nude water color that was in an art show in Town Hall, so the Town Trustee’s decided to take it down.  That spurred my friend, Jul Swann, who puts on art shows in her Ohm Gallery and Salon to put on a show called Naked in Lyons.  I was going to bring my painting of my naked Zebras, but after helping her hang the show all evening, I realized that that would just not do.  So I went home and painted this painting:

This is my idea of being naked.  Being naked with our selves completely to our soul.  This writing is is part of my Journals with God, who writes through me.

This painting is now hanging in the Lyons Town Hall as part of the self portrait show.  Let me know what you think.