Thursday, November 12th, 2015

The coincidences in my life continue to amaze me.  I’m experiencing the three-way conversation with God and the book I am reading, again.  As I’m writing about my experience of doing a Toltec Power Journey at Teotihuacan in October 2002, I’m reading don Miguel Ruiz’s new book, The Toltec Art of Life and Death. He too is writing about the transformational journey in Teo as he received to teach awareness.  I’m writing my book, then reading his, which is reminding me more of my journey, helping me to go deeper into the experience.  I am seeing now that it was having the intent (not just setting an intention) to awaken that created the opening and the experience I have been cultivating over the past 13 years.

Here are some journal entries from The Year of Awakening, that I believe opened the door for my awakening:

I flew to Mexico and then traveled by car through Mexico City to Teotihuacan.  I met the Brandt and the group there and began my journey to finding myself.


10/24/02 Teo

This is the place where men (women) become Gods.  Here I will release the last of the walls.  The last of the lies and the last of the false beliefs – so I can be free to express my highest good.  Here I will find my truth.   As of today I will no longer accept anything but pure love I my life. God, I pray to you – show me the truth.   


Today I jumped into the belly of quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent.  I’ve asked that everything this is not me be removed and the soul that is pure love be left.  God has told me she has already forgiven me for my past.  Now it is up to me.  I come to Teo to complete the process.  I now vow:

I forgive myself for my past
I forgive everyone I have ever met for every real or imagined transgression
I am no longer a victim
I am no longer a judge
I renounce all attachment to:

Things – house, car, money
Ideas – That don’t need to be defended
Thoughts – that tell stories in my mind
Beliefs – That can all be changes
People – Parents, relationships
Food – Food is a gift and a tool
Self Identity – I now have none to be attached to.

By the end of these few days I want to be left with the love of who I am.  I ask the masters in the stones to talk to me.  Tell me what to do from here.  Please, lead me to love.


Visit the Bog: Daily Reminders from the Journals with God

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Copyright, Diane Dandeneau, 2015

The Author of the upcoming book: The Year of Awakening ~ The Journey to Living a Divinely Guided Life

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