Wednesday, August 5th, 2015



Good morning God. Today we have written a lot, and I’m feeling a bit heavy hearted. But I guess the question I have is “what now”?  It seems like I ask this a lot…

“Good morning my love. You can sometimes get caught in the ‘what if’s and what now’s’.  But all you have to do is decide that you want to live from My will. You don’t need to feel it first.  You just have to decide that you want to live with grace and ease and abundance and happiness and joy – even as you aren’t feeling it.  The decision allows Me to come in to heal your heart and mind.  You don’t have to ‘do’ anything else but come here and let Me open your heart.  This is the sacred gift.  You come to this place of heavy heartedness so you can feel and remember the place those you are to help are living.  This is the heavy heart that can’t see beyond the pain.  This is where you just need to show up to be with Me and I will help you see.  It is a small commitment.  It is a small step on your part.  Step 1.  Connect to Source – bring your attention to Me.  You truly do hold the key to awakening.  And you can prove it because you use it.  There are millions of people who do want to feel better.  They do want to improve their circumstances.  They are struggling with depression, heartache, lack, health problems, hopelessness, addictions, dysfunctional relationships, soulless careers and jobs. And the ones who are willing to open the door a crack to another way of being are the ones you can help.  You are introducing them to Me, which is ultimately the introduction to their true Selves.  You can give them this experience and show them the door to their transformation.  And we are doing this work together.  So, this is what is “NOW”.

Love, God”


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Copyright, Diane Dandeneau, 2015

The Author of the upcoming book: The Year of Awakening through the Journals with God A journey from depression, addiction and heartbreak to Self realization, empowerment and love

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