Sunday, August 30th, 2015



Good morning God. Thank You (and Jan) for the book, The Way of Mastery.

“Good morning my love. You are becoming a Master.  As you come to Me you remember who You are. With this remembering comes the feelings of peace, joy and love and a shift in perspective. As you come here you can create from a whole different level.”

Yes, I’m ready to create a whole new experience of my life, so I’m here to co-create with you! While I’m writing this, there is a part of me that is raging inside – at unfairness, dysfunction and unkindness. I see her as a separate entity, yet she thinks and feels and is angry. I’m watching her like she is someone else who is living inside of me. Yet, I can feel her rage.

Talk to her. Tell her it is OK.  She can rest as everything is really fine. There is no rush.  She is impatient and believes that you are behind and that the world in conspiring against you both.  But, everything is in its perfect timing. There is nothing that she nor you need to rage at. All events are in the past and no longer exist. You can now choose to create a different future with a different decision.

OK.  I’ve decided: No-one can touch me. Nothing can harm me. I see life as unfolding perfectly and beautifully and easily no matter what others around me do or believe. I am a victim of nothing and no-one as I am free.  I am free.  I am free to follow what is joyful, just as I am free to do what is not. As I write this I’m feeling a release of this rage and another shift which is going deeper into what I sense is truth – the realm of the heart.

Yes, my love. This is the realm of your truth – your Self – your Soul. The deeper knowing of what will bring you the greatest joy and peace. It is beyond your fear and rage and by releasing your anger as you did just now, you are able to come here as it is the realm of truth beyond fear where your heart is ignited and engaged. This is the place you must live in order to create the life you want now. Welcome home. Coming here is all you have to do.  Now, from here, what do you know is the truth?

Love, God”



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Copyright, Diane Dandeneau, 2015

The Author of the upcoming book: The Year of Awakening through the Journals with God A journey from depression, addiction and heartbreak to Self realization, empowerment and love

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