Thursday, January 1st, 2015


“In this new year I invite you to remember what and who you truly are.  This is all that you have to do to then know what to do in the world to be in the greatest service, joy and satisfaction with life.  This is not a single revelation like – ‘Ok, here is the plan, now go do it’.  No, it is a shift in consciousness that allows you to know what you need to do and how to respond, in every moment of every day from the place of constant connection.  Focus on this above all else and you will experience heaven on earth and the peace that passeth all understanding.

Love, God.”unionminilogo

This reminder tells me to remember that our true identity is that of a Divine being and to remember and live from this is to experience the ultimate peace.  The difficulty is that most of the world does not know this, so there is little support for this knowing.  In fact there is much ridicule and condemnation for this perspective from many.  Another challenge is to have the courage to listen to our Selves (Divine Self) over the prevailing beliefs of the world and our ego.  It is also hard to trust our Self over the masses who are steeped in fear – because we too lived there and still may believe it was real.  This can be a lonely place.

But I have made a commitment to live from this truth of who I am.  So, I continuously bring my attention to God and this truth and remember what I know from this place of consciousness.  And as I live from Truth and love and fearlessness, the world I am creating and experiencing is becoming a reflection with more truth, and love and joy.  I am realizing the truth of God’s teaching, and for this I am eternally grateful.

Diane Dandeneau 


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Copyright, Diane Dandeneau, 2015

The Author of the upcoming book:
The Year of Awakening through the Journals with God
A journey from depression, addiction and heartbreak to Self realization, empowerment and love

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