Friday, April 4th, 2014


Good morning God.  I’m here, with you.  I thought I would check in before I write for the blog…

“Good morning my love.  All is well.  You don’t have to worry about posting this or sharing anything I write, so write from this place.  This is the place of pure truth and honesty.  Honesty and truth are are similar – yet have their differences.  And both can have many differences based on your level of consciousness.  What is true from a place of fear will probably not be true from a place of love.  Honesty is about your ability to see and acknowledge those truths.  And, as you feel this, you know that the highest and greatest truth (for you) feels like nothing else.  Your greatest truth comes from deep within you – without reference to anyone or anything else.  This brings us to the beginning, doesn’t it?  When you were resisting painting our conversation.  There was a fear around being so impeccably honest in such a public way.  And so I wrote:


Love, God”

This painting was from 8/27/2003.  I had just begun my Journals with God, and was also painting a series from Machu Picchu.  I said to God that I thought these messages were too big to live on small paper, and so was then compelled to buy five 4′ x 4′ canvases.  I was then told to paint them yellow.  I proceeded to stare at them for a few days as I argued with God in my sketchbook journal about writing on the canvas.  God told me to just pick up my brush and walk to the canvas.  The above is what came out.  

Just like this experience, I didn’t think I would be posting what I did today, as I really thought I was having my own private conversation with God.  I didn’t expect it to be the introduction to the beginning.  I really have no idea what is going to be written every day.  But, I do know that it is always profound and inspiring to me.  I am sharing this with you because I know that everyone can have this experience.  So, we begin.


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Copyright, Diane Dandeneau, 2013

2 Responses to “Friday, April 4th, 2014”

  1. Larry Pearlman Says:

    Hi Diane – I appreciate your thoughts on honesty and truth. Huge topic. Just read this morning in ACIM how honesty is really about consistency – having no thoughts or actions in my life in conflict with any other thoughts or actions in my life as all of them are based in the Truth. Another way to see this perception of honesty is summed up in the word integrity. The true meaning of that word is wholeness. When I am whole, I am integrous, I am honest, and I am true.

  2. Larry Pearlman Says:

    Here is my own conversation with God for today.

    Good afternoon God. I’m feeling a bit uneasy today. Not even sure how to describe it to you or what it’s about. Not feeling my best physically but I think it’s something other than that. N0 feeling of direction as to what this day is about. Can’t bring myself to just sit on the dock and watch life on the lake unfold although I’m out here now in the sun and breeze and maybe that’s what I need – a few hours doing nothing but observing Life. That would be hard for me to do but I think it’s necessary for some reason. But maybe not today…….

    It IS necessary for you, Larry. I’ve given you that realization in your uneasiness. The timing is up to you…….God