October 7th



Good Morning God.  Today I rode my bike around Lyons and saw so much destruction that I don’t think I can truly take it all in.  But what hit me the most was two conversations I had with two different people I know.  One was with a woman who was very angry and complained about FEMA, the town government, the volunteers, and the river.  The other woman talked about how inspired she is, the gratitude she has, and how excited she is for the potential in re-creating.  What was interesting is that the first woman had minimal damage to her home, and the second woman has to practically rebuild from ruin.  How can people have such different perspectives?

“Hello my love.  First of all, both of these are normal and natural.  Going through anger and despair is understandable, as is gratitude and optimism.  Have compassion for people (and yourself) who are struggling with these events.  But you know you ultimately have a choice around your perspectives about everything. You have heard the saying; the glass is half empty or half full.  Well it is both, and the truth is you can focus on one or the other.  Both exist at the same time, and both are fine.  It is up to you to choose. But you have discovered that moving out of anger and fear and into acceptance and hope is a much more comfortable place to be.  You have learned that coming from love opens the door to infinite possibilities. This is awakening to the power you possess.  This is the key to manifesting miracles.  And you must choose this until you realize that you are this.


Copyright, Diane Dandeneau, 2013

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