October 24th



Good morning God. Today I’m working on plans for creating two new businesses that are at a greater scale than I have ever done before. It is going back into the “insane world” that I thought I had left forever. But something has changed in me, as it feels different. I find this interesting and curious.


“Good morning love. What has changed is you. There is no separation between worlds, only your perspective and level of participation. You have learned about where you had participated in ways that were not in alignment with your truth, and have healed so much from your past. You have made a commitment to live in your integrity (honoring mind, body, and spirit). Once you do this you can enter any “world” and participate from your truth. Since you are creating these companies, you can create a new way to be in the world from this place. This is truly how you change the world.


Love, God”


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