The Fire

As I have been offering my Ignite Your Life Summer Intensives, I am painfully aware of the reality of the fires that have been ignited here in Colorado.  I believe that what we are seeing is the fire that comes after years of neglect and suppression and it is devastating and costly on many levels and yet ultimately cleansing and healing on others.

This is a time when I am seeing many people dealing with their own fires in their own lives.  For some it is not just literal and is as real as it can get, and for others it is figurative, yet still as devastating.  The conditions of our world are changing, and the old ways aren’t working any more.  Sometimes the changes show up gradually, like the effects of an ongoing drought, and sometimes the change comes as dramatically as fire.

This story is as old as time – when we succumb to the fire, we sometimes have the opportunity to emerge from the ashes again.

Where are you in your life?  If you are in the middle of the fire, either figuratively or literally, I am sending my prayers to you and am offering a free session to help you connect with God(1) to deal with the pain or find clarity as to what you need to do now and next.  If you are finding yourself in the middle of changing conditions in your life or dealing with the aftermath of your own version of the fire, know that you can be supported to step into the next greatest version of your life… if you are ready.

This is where I would like to invite you to Ignite Your Life Ignite Your Power to transform your self and the current situation of your life into what is needed now for you and the world.  Learn the 4 most powerful steps you can use to heal and co-create with the Universe.  The next telecourse starts Tuesday July 24th. Please contact me to talk about what you want to achieve in your life, and to learn more about the life changing processes that you can experience so you can manifest miraculous.

Diane Dandeneau

(1) I use the term God as I have discovered that it means the one energy of the universe, which everything is made of and by, and not the judgmental father figure of many religions.  I believe it is important to use this term as the redefining of God is key for the transformation of humanity from separation to oneness.

I apologize for any imperfect grammar or typos.  I have decided to write – and share the messages that I’m being called to bring without hesitation or delay.  I hope you receive its gifts.

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