Thursday, October 1st, 2015 – Looking for your feedback


Good morning my Dear One’s.  I’m leaving for the Midwest tomorrow for over a week, and will be writing and then posting sporadically.  I’m feeling a shift within myself in how the Daily Reminders will show up.  As you have noticed, they have not been very daily recently. 

I would love your feedback.  I have been sharing my process of awakening through this means as well as just posting some quotes with images from the Journals with God.  I am finding that I am ready to go beyond sharing the nitty-gritty of my internal process, which is now about maintaining my connection and checking into the level of consciousness I am operating, and shifting to where I want to be with God. 

It seems that I share a lot of my struggles because that is what I bring to God to shift.  The reality is, I mostly feel love and at peace, empowered, joyful, and amazed at life – even as I also feel occasional sadness and disappointment, as natural human emotions.  The greater shift is I’m holding it all from a higher level of realization.  This process has helped me see and clear the lifetime of illusions from my mind and be able to see it all and yet not be run by any of it, accept when I momentarily forget, and God helps me remember. 

I’m shift my focus to being in my greatest service with this work.  I am thinking about focusing on the inspiring quotes and sharing that part of my writing with the imagery.  But, being in service means asking what those who need me want.  What would you like to receive?

Love, Diane


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Copyright, Diane Dandeneau, 2015

The Author of the upcoming book: The Year of Awakening through the Journals with God A journey from depression, addiction and heartbreak to Self realization, empowerment and love

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