October 30th



Good Morning God.  Yesterday I shared my music and listened to several wonderful speakers talk about connecting to guides, angels, and loved ones who have passed. They talked a lot about meditating, and connecting within, but I also noticed that they really didn’t talk very much about you.  You have continued to invite me to connect to you, what am I missing?         
“Good morning love.  You aren’t missing anything.  There are many people who are not comfortable with the name or idea of “God”, and that is OK.  You understand that I am you and that all you must do to find your answers is to bring your attention to me.   You have learned that you do not need to look outside of yourself to discover what is true for you.  This does not mean that you don’t also want to connect with other beings on the physical and spiritual plains.  In fact it that is part of why you are here.  But, once you become proficient at connecting to your Divine wisdom, you no longer “need” a guide to show you the way, because you are the guide.


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Copyright, Diane Dandeneau, 2013

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