Saturday, September 26th, 2015


Good morning God. Today I’m focusing on surrendering and allowing.

Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 11.37.18 AMI’m trying to understand what I truly want versus what I want to be different, as I still have some resistance to situations in my life. So, I come here and surrender my resistance to what is, and allow the unfolding of your plan. From here, I want to know what I truly desire and what is mine to do.

“Good morning my love. Thank you for coming here. This is the path to understanding and living from the truth, which is the only path to authentic happiness. As you let go of your hold on ideas about everything, you make room for mine. You know nothing, remember? And You know which you I am speaking to. This is where humility is meaningful and useful. Let your ego self become humble and recognize that she alone knows nothing, understands nothing, and is useful only when guided by Me. This is the part of you that must surrender and allow. You don’t have to know/do anything. Now, sit here in this place with me and feel the peace and relief of letting go into profound humility.

From here you can become aware of the You that is Me. This is your authentic, powerful, wise, and joyful self. This is where your true desires live and the place where you know what you truly want to do.

So now, I am speaking to the Divine You, and as you ask yourself the question of what you truly desire and what is yours to do, what do you know?”

It gets pretty simple. What I want is love and peace. I need nothing, as I know who I truly am and that I have everything. So, as I need nothing, then my focus is completely on the service I want to give. But as I write this, the real question is, who needs me? Who can I best serve? So, this changes my own focus again. And as I write this, I can see what I do already know.

Yes, these are beautiful questions. And yes, you do know and can see as you surrender and allow.

Love, God”

Dear One, I’m so happy to invite you how to learn to Talk to God AND Get the Answers: HERE.



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Copyright, Diane Dandeneau, 2015

The Author of the upcoming book: The Year of Awakening through the Journals with God A journey from depression, addiction and heartbreak to Self realization, empowerment and love

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