The 4 Daily M.E.D.S. Guaranteed to Keep You Healthy

Promoting the greatest health, wealth, and happiness is simple: Take your daily M.E.D.S.

Many years ago, I realized that if I wanted to truly show up in the world to help others, feel good, and enjoy life, I had to take care of myself first. At different times, I focused on diet, sleep, and exercise. But, even as I focused on these areas, I realized that there was another area of focus equally important: an introspective practice, such as meditation. I discovered that it truly takes consistent practice in all four areas to be healthy, happy, productive, and at peace with life.

One day my (now deceased) father showed me the pile of pills that he took for a myriad of mostly lifestyle ailments.  He said “takin my daily meds”.  I thought to myself that I had a different idea about what my daily “meds” should be.  In that moment I put the very simple yet important pieces together and laughed as I realized that my daily “meds” are: Meditation, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep (M.E.D.S).

1. Meditation. In my Journals with God, I write all kinds of prayers and questions about “what should I do about…?” The answer is always: “Step 1. Connect to Source.” Meditation, or some kind of introspective practice that quiets the mind and focuses on a deeper connection to source energy, helps me connect with source. It is the first step to showing up in the world as compassionate and as wise as possible. Deepening our connection to our source energy – our true selves – is an ongoing and incredible process, and it is the foundation of everything.

2. Exercise. We have chosen this earthy experience and have been given a body to enjoy. Humans evolved from doing manual labor to survive, and, now, given the dynamics being in an office sitting at a computer, many of us lead very sedentary lives. Our bodies are designed for action, allowing us to build strength and agility, move energy, and experience life. Personally, if I don’t exercise almost every day, energy builds up in my body and stress sets in. By choosing to go out and have fun – to move my body – I maintain a strong, healthy body, which also enhances my life.

3. Diet. Our society has traded convenience for quality. This is especially true for food. We have gotten so far away from whole healthy foods that many of us don’t even recognize it. Here’s a hint: if it is pre-made in a package, it probably has moved a few steps away from wholeness and health. Focusing on the quality of our food for our bodies, as well as the effect it has on our environment could change our world. If everyone chose to eat a locally (as possible) grown, organic, high-vegetable and non-processed food diet, individual and community health would skyrocket and healthcare costs would go down immensely. Yes, I pay more for whole, healthy food. But, a lot less of my money goes to health care costs and I have a net benefit of feeling good and spending less. Mostly, find what works for you.

4. Sleep. We all have so many demands and so much that we want to fit into a day that many times we sacrifice sleep. Occasionally, we can go with a little less sleep, but when sleeplessness becomes chronic, then our minds and bodies begin to feel the effects. I am not a sleep specialist, so I don’t know the science behind the benefits, I just know that I don’t operate at my best when I’m tired. In fact, this is the one area that if I don’t honor my need for sleep, I am pretty much useless. I am now disciplined to get to sleep early if I need to get up at a certain time, or I allow enough time in the morning to let myself wake up naturally. From a foundation of deep sleep and rest, I can bring my most alert and clear mind and body to everything I do.

Daily M.E.D.S are all part of living an Awakened Life. If you would like support in help you to get on your Daily M.E.D.S, please contact me and we can discuss a plan.

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