Meditation Call 4-19-10

Here is the recording from the 4-19-10 Monday Meditation call talking about living in the Vertical and Horizontal orientations of being.  It contains a reading from Coaching from Transformational Presence by Alan Seale and a reading from the Messengers of Peace.   We also did an exercise to experience this alignment.   We then ended with a meditation going within.  Please  comment here if you enjoyed the experience.



One Response to “Meditation Call 4-19-10”

  1. nancy Norton Says:

    Thanks Diane, that was great!
    I listened to the call after doing some Yoga, meditating and writing and the vertical/horizontal exercise really validated and expanded for me, why I do Yoga. During the exercise, I felt very centered, calm, strong and inspired. Afterwords, I have a clear confidence, not so much in ME, but in the energy I can draw through me and share with others. I’m excited to do my work with this awareness and I think I will do this exercise often, especially before doing shows. Thanks for the peaceful mediation too, I think I will listen to that part again, before going to sleep.
    In Gratitude, Nancy