Which Came First?

I’m happy and things are going well in my life. But which came first? The usual thought is things are going well in my life, so that makes me happy. Some people say, just be happy and things will be well no matter what is happening. I think that it is really about doing what feels right and then discovering that what happens from there makes me happy. How we feel is connected to what we do and what is happening around us as we are a participants in choosing our actions and the reality field we create. I really believe that our happiness comes from being aligned with who we are and doing what we want to do from that place.

I have been working on reconnecting to my heart and soul over the past year and asking for clarity on what my purpose is and what I have come to do in this life. The more time I spent meditating and healing myself, the more peace and happiness I began to feel. As I became more connected to my peace and happiness, I became clearer about what my soul wanted to do, which made me feel happy and positive. As I began to do the things my soul wanted, my happiness and peace continued to grow, which has continued to expand my awareness of more things I wanted in my life (and things I do not want in my life). And the more I have chosen the things that make me happy, over the things that do not, the happier I feel and ultimately, the greater the gifts I have to bring.

I believe life is about committing to being true to ourselves and doing what our hearts are calling us to do, which is looking for what thoughts feel the best (truest), then doing it. The result always feels good (right for us). It really is about what my Journals with God asked: “…ask yourself again and again, what is the truth? Then tell it with all of your being”.

This is what I think awakening is about. Waking up to the truth within, then choosing to live in alignment with that. It is being congruent and in integrity with who we are. And the result is to create the greatest life possible and to feel the peace that passeth all understanding.

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